Vegas7Games Internet cafe software is a tool that controls, secures, and enhances the running of Internet cafes. The software has numerous benefits that give cafe owners an edge over their competition. Our online casino software solution boasts of enhanced safety features and overall user engagement. Through its administration controls, and user friendly interface, cafe owners will gain control over their entire establishment with just a few clicks.
Cybercafe owners can ensure that their employees utilize their time optimally.
The software can monitor all aspects of the cafe business and cut down on manual work hours.
Complete customer satisfaction with secure login and ticket access features.
Individual login IDs and passwords for each user to gain access to their accounts.
First time users will automatically get a chance to earn prepaid codes that can be used during gaming.
Easy to create and print features, player can print their prepaid codes before they start playing their favorite games.
Ultimate Customer Management Tools
With Vegas7Games internet cafe casino software, you would not face any difficulties regarding the customer management process. We simplified the process to help you with handling loaded schedules. Vegas7Games internet cafe casino software provides you with an opportunity to create permanent user accounts. You can specify each user who once used any of the terminals and keep their information separately. Whenever that users come back to work or enter to find their favorite titles from internet cafe games list, they would access their profile and continue their tasks without any limitation. Besides that, some states require this process for every legal internet cafe. Without providing that, you would not be able to start a business in places like Arkansas, North Carolina, and so on. With one click, you and the customer would be able to access their profile, which is one of this tool’s main advantages.
Enhanced Security
The Vegas cyber cafe software package comes with high- security encryption that safeguards your customers’ data from possible fraud. Our internet cafe software comes with numerous security features that help cafe owners create a safe environment for their customers. For example, the software restricts flash drive from entering device database and taking information from computers while on this software. The security system designed by Vegas7Games will maintain user data stays secure before, during and after gameplay. The software package has been rigorously tested to ensure that it is not prone to hackers. What’s more, regular security updates to the software ensures that any new and undetected threats get caught right at the onset.
Streamlined Management
Vegas7Games Internet cafe software gives you remote control over individual terminals. You can perform various tasks like adding time and cash, ending sessions of players, and rebooting terminals from a centralized location. Our internet cafe software gives owners full control over all devices that are operating in their cyber cafe. For instance, if owners notice that some user is not complying with his/her cyber cafe codes, they can immediately limit their access on any device. Whether those users’ deposit is remaining or he/she has time left on that computer, you can restrict access for them. After solving the issue, you can give full access to the user again.
Complete Admin Control
Managing user accounts’ has never been this easy. Vegas7Games internet cafe software lets you easily create new user accounts, edit or delete existing user accounts, and operate adequately. Additionally, you will earn prepaid code management tools, which will help you code lists, edit, delete, import, and export and print them with only one software.Vegas7Games has designed the best sweepstakes software for internet cafe owners. While using this software, you will manage to give back deposited money to customers if they decide to stop their game. Moreover, you will be able to stop computer time when it is needed. Your customers will enjoy the freedom of choice whenever they want to leave whether they have deposited money, remaining time, or not.
Anytime Statistics with Internet Cafe Software
The Vegas7Games statistics feature gives you access to all the necessary numbers running through your internet cafe. Some statistics include cash sales, login reports of users, daily transactions, and so much more. To locate a specific number or stat, filter your data, and get access to all the numbers running in your internet cafe in an instant. There are numerous valuable features of our internet cafe software. So, if you are planning to open a cyber cafe, do not hesitate to contact us for further notice. Our experts will give you all the necessary information about our products.
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Accounting System
Through the user management tool of our gaming cafe software, you created separate accounts. To function properly, you need to get reports and provide better customer service for those users. This gaming cafe software tool will help you in doing that. You will have a chance to get daily, monthly reports about customers’ accounts, and by analyzing that data, it will be more accessible for you to see which user is often coming and they are satisfied. For those of you who would like to provide perks for the cyber cafe’s loyal customers, this is your chance.
The ticket printing process seems like a complicated task to complete because you will have many customers in your future business who will have various expiring dates and surfing minutes. Our cyber cafe casino software makes this process effortless by allowing you to assign a unique ticket number for each ticket. As soon as the customer gets it, they will pay an equivalent amount to the administrator panel. While doing so, you will avoid any losses as you are getting the money before the ticket selling process. You can also include special passwords for tickets to prevent someone else using it instead of the actual ticket buyer.
Remote Viewer Tool
Vegas7Games cyber cafe casino solution comes with a remote viewer feature, which will help you manage your cyber café from another place effortlessly. You can access both the administrator panel and user terminals whenever it is necessary. Through Remote viewer, it is possible to control any action like you are physically in the cyber cafe. From the comfort of your house, you will manage to check windows updates, see the number of printed tickets, and see how many clients are actively using terminals, installing cyber cafe casino software solutions, and so on. To keep the customer’s private information, we have a feature that lets you only look at the terminal that is not busy. Some customers are concerned that you might sneak into their private screen, and by informing them about this feature, you would help them feel comfortable.
Well Organized Desktop View
Through Vegas7Games best internet cafe software, you will manage to create a well-organized desktop view for both administration panel and customer terminals. It is not fixed, like in many cyber cafe casino software models. We allow you to make necessary changes and add custom items if you want. It is effortless to control and manage apps, games, or any other icons through this system.
You will have a variety of options regarding search engines and games. You can neatly design them to create a clean look in every one of your user terminals. There is a feature in this software that allows you to add live scores of the games, sporting events, and so on the screen too. Besides that, users will have no difficulty accessing the information about how much time is left until their current ticket expiry date. You can create a small icon that would indicate the left time.
Preventative Measures
As we already mentioned, there is an option for safety and comfort that enables you to look at the users’ screen. You need to choose Vegas7games gambling system from the internet cafe software list because of these preventative measures. However, that does not mean that you cannot partially control their actions or prevent illegal ones. Every entrepreneur has its priorities when it comes to safety and all that. Though, all of them have one common side that they are entitled to obey the local laws and regulations. For instance, if it is illegal to play or provide online gambling games in your local state, you need to block all those websites in the user terminals to prevent them from breaking the law order. If you do not control some of the websites that users intend to enter, it can create long term circumstances that you do not want to deal with.